A loan helped a member to purchase a microfranchise of eggs to sell.

Mujeres Valientes Group's story

This is a committee formed by female heads of household who struggle to get ahead and be able to offer their loved ones everything that they were unable to have and for them not to experience hardships or deprivation.

Among them, Blanca Myriam stands out for her effort and sacrifice. She works selling eggs from her house, which she accessed through the microfranchises the foundation offers as a business idea for the committeewomen.

She is a hardworking person who is happy for the opportunity to be part of the group since, with the help of Fundación Paraguaya and with the business ideas, they can improve and grow.

She asks for this loan to purchase an egg microfranchise, to be able to continue with her sales and to fill her customers' orders.

Note: The children in the photo are the children of group members who sign for this loan.

In this group: Lisel Francisca, Maria Teresa, Elvira, Krysthen Thalia Julieta, Sinthia, Diana Soledad, Romina, Leonarda, Irmina, Esmilda, Ida Noelia, Ninfa, Blanca Myriam, Claudiana, Lorena Beatriz, Rocio, Mabel, Esperanza Monserrat, Perla Elizabeth, Laura Elizabeth, Maria Angelica, Cirila

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

It targets women and youth to expand their businesses.

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Lenders and lending teams

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