A loan helped to buy rice, sugar, detergent, oil, glue, water and other products to stock up her store.

Melissa Andrea's story

Melissa Andrea is 18 years old. She is in a common-law relationship and has 2 children, aged 2 and 4 months old. Her husband is a worker and they live in the city of Montecristi, known for the production of toquilla straw hats and for its varied craftsmanship, which is internationally recognized.

She is a hard-working woman who is looking for a way to earn some income, in order to help her husband take care of both their home and their little children. She has a store in her house where she sells rice, sugar, detergent, oil, glue and other products with which she manages to satisfy the needs of her clients, who come to her premises every day and whom she always serves with the best attitude.

This loan is to buy rice, sugar, detergent, oil, glue, water and other products to stock up her store.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer E. Power.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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