A loan helped to buy apples, grapes, peaches, strawberries, pears, blackberries and other fruits for sale.

Erick Ariel's story

Erick Ariel and his family live in the city of Montecristi, known for the production of toquilla straw hats and for its varied crafts, recognized internationally.

He is a very hard-working young man who looks for a way to earn an income and, in addition to paying his own expenses, he also helps his parents with their expenses.

He works selling fruits. He buys apples, grapes, peaches, strawberries, pears, blackberries and other fruits from a wholesale distributor, and on Saturdays and Sundays he goes out to sell in the city of Manta and its surroundings, where he has a lot of customers who always buy from him. He achieves this with the help of the loans, and for that reason he is very grateful.

This loan is to buy apples, grapes, peaches, strawberries, pears, blackberries and other fruits.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer E. Power.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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