A loan helped to buy shoes and slippers in various styles and sizes.

Antonia Fabiola's story

Antonia Fabiola and her family live in the city of Montecristi, which is known for manufacturing straw hats and a variety of handicrafts that have received recognition on an international level.

Antonia Fabiola is a hardworking woman who seeks to earn income so that she can help her husband with the household expenses and supporting their children. She sells shoes and slippers for women, men, and children. Antonia Fabiola conducts her sales by going door to door, at her house, and through social networks. She sells on credit and collects payments every eight day. Antonia Fabiola has been able to continue her business thanks to the help of the loans, for which she is grateful. She asks for continued support.

This loan will be used to buy shoes and slippers in various styles and sizes.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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