A loan helped to buy hens, fish, meat, and other necessary ingredients to prepare meals.

Alexy Gabriel's story

Alexy Gabriel and his family live in the city of Montecristi, known for the fabrication of hats made of toquilla straw [Panama hats] and for the varied handicrafts known internationally.

He is a very hardworking young man who is looking for a way to earn a living and thus help his family move ahead.

This is only possible with the help of a loan for which he is very grateful.

With the help of his mother, he has an eatery in his home. On the weekends, they prepare typical meals such as delicious stew and free-range chicken soup, shellfish, and other meals. They prepare them to the taste of their distinguished clientele who always comes to the place that serves the delicacies, prepared with love.

This loan will be used to buy hens, fish, meat, and other ingredients needed to prepare the meals.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Charissa Nelson.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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