A loan helped to buy clothing for women, such as jeans, blouses, undergarments, and socks.

Veronica Fabiola's story

Verónica is a hard-working woman. She is 30 years old, is married, and has three children. She has decided to start a business to earn a better income that can pay for her children's education and cover more household expenses. She also receives remittances from an uncle abroad.

She thinks that getting a loan will be a solid base to start her business. Because of this, she is requesting a MiCrédito loan from Kiva to buy clothing for women, such as jeans, blouses, undergarments, and socks. With this merchandise, she will meet her customers' demands without any problem. She wants to have a solid clothing store, where she sells a wide variety of merchandise.

Translated from Spanish.

This loan is special because:

It provides borrowers training and capital to start new businesses.

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