A loan helped to buy flour, eggs, meats, vegetables, and other ingredients for her food business.

Noemy's story

This borrower is a hardworking and exemplary individual who is dedicated to her home and her food business. She is also very responsible with her financial commitments. Her business involves preparing and selling food. She has a varied menu. She has a very good clientele that usually consists of students, teachers, and employees of private and public companies.

The borrower is requesting a loan to invest in her business. She plans to buy everything that she needs to restock her business such as flour, meats, vegetables, eggs, and other ingredients so that she can generate a good income and grow her business. She is very grateful for the support provided by Prisma and Kiva.

Her dream is to have good earnings.

November 2023

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

This loan is special because:

It provides credit to some of the most isolated communities in Honduras.

Loan details

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