A loan helped a member to stock up on Bralima and Brasima drinks in order to boost her initial investment.

Tumika Mingi Sg Group's story

Mme Yvone is a client of Hekima IMF and president of the groupe villageoise "TUMIKA MINGI". The 37 year-old is married and has 3 children who all attend school. Her partner is an aid worker.
Madame Yvone has a business selling drinks which she set up 8 years ago. This was funded by money received from her husband. Some time later, she turned to Hekima to help support her business which had been developing well. With this new loan, she wants to increase her initial investment by stocking up on Bralima and Brasimba drinks as a shortage of goods is holding back her business.
Her hopes are that her children can continue their studies, that her business will be able to grow and that she can do some building work. Finally, she would like to be able to thank Hekima and its partners for the support they have given to who have struggled during the global Covid-19 crisis.
The photo shows the group leader only due to social distancing measure taken during the Covid-19.crisis.

In this group: Mami, Prince, Yvone, Eloi, Sylvie

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Helen Speake.

This loan is special because:

It serves entrepreneurs in conflict-affected areas with few opportunities.

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