A loan helped to buy: pots, plates, cutlery, tables, chairs and training.

Jacqueline Liseth's story

Jacqueline is 28-year-old good woman, who is a single mother seeking to get ahead with her two children. She is a hard-working and persevering woman, her house is made of blocks and cement and her children attend school near her home.

Jacqueline makes a living by selling buns, tongas (a local dish of rice, meat and plantains) and sausage broth. Her 5 years of experience allow her to have a unique recipe that sets her apart from her competition.

She is seeking the support of a loan to buy kitchen utensils that she lacks. She will also seek training to prepare a greater variety of dishes which she hopes will improve her income so she can continue improving her home, where she plans to build a larger premises for her business. With additional capacity, she will continue work to provide education for her children. (The other person in the photograph is a client of Jacqueline's).

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Marcia Rappaport.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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