A loan helped to invest in a bulk purchase of wood and glass.

Asunta's story

Asunta is an artisan from Peru who specializes in reverse-painted glass mirrors and trays. She would like to invest in a bulk purchase of wood and glass. Asunta has been selling through NOVICA since 2000. This is her story:

"My passion for art comes from the depths of my heart. At school in Lima, I met the man who would become my husband, my best friend, and life teacher. He taught me what he knew about reverse-painted glass and suggested I collaborate in his workshop. I follow a meticulous process, carefully shaping the wood to give it a pleasing form. This whole process demands incredible patience and attention to detail. The motifs are painted by hand on the reverse side of glass panes, which are inlaid onto the mirror frames, trays, and decorative boxes. My designs are inspired by nature, and by typical scenes from my town and region. I feel very proud of the works that I create, and I look forward to sharing them with more and more people around the world."

"I want to thank you with all my heart for this loan. These funds will help me buy enough materials so that I can continue working and also bring on new artisans at my workshop, the vast majority of whom are single women who support their families."

Use the link below to view Asunta's reverse-painted glass mirrors and trays on the NOVICA site:

This loan is special because:

It gives artisans working capital at 0% interest rates.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details