Lourdes Del Pilar lives with her family in Jaramijo and place known for its beautiful beaches, transparent waters, and mineral water wells. Also, the fishing port is where the great majority of the population fishes,
She is a hardworking woman who fights every day to reach her goals and support her spouse with the household expenses.
She has a store of essentials in her home where she offers basic goods such as canned foods, chilled meats, beverages, and rice, etc.
Additionally, at night, she sells hamburgers, French fries, milkshakes, etc. away from her house.
She is thankful for her previous loan as it enabled her to move ahead and continue growing her business,
This loan will buy supplies like canned foods, chilled meats, cold beverages, rice, chicken, and other products for her fast-food business such as bread, potatoes, sausages, meat, fruit, milk, etc.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Charissa Nelson. View original language description.