A loan helped a member to buy sheep and to rear them, before selling them at a profit in order to help her husband meet the family's needs.

Benton Group's story

Djeneba, who is representing the group, is 50 years old and a mother of four children. Three of the children attend school and the other has finished their studies. Djeneba is alone in the photo because of COVID-19.

She rears sheep as a business activity. She buys her animals in the local markets and resells them in the same places. Her aim is to increase her business' turnover and help her husband meet the family's financial and material needs. Her dream is to be able to finance her children's education so that they can succeed in life.

Djeneba lives in Mali and is illiterate. She is generous and has a good reputation within her community. She has turned to Kiva to increase the size of her business. With the loan contracted, she will buy sheep and rear them before reselling them at a profit. She will make CFA 15,000 in profits with each sale, which will allow her to help her husband meet the family's needs.

In this group: Daouda, Djeneba, Sousouro, Bougouzanga, Kassoum, Salia, Lazare

Translated from French.

This loan is special because:

It empowers farmers and entrepreneurs in underserved areas in Mali.

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