A loan helped a member to stock up traditional fabrics for resale.

Naby 24 Group's story

Alima is 54 years old, married and the mother of five. She has been selling miscellaneous items for ten years. She needs a loan to stock up on colorful traditional "pagnes" fabrics for resale. Her sales stand is well located; she is well known thanks to her experience; she is friendly and welcoming with her customers; and, in addition her pagnes are of high quality. All this explains the success of her business.

After selling her wares, Alima will have a revenue allowing her to save, provide for her family as well as grow her business. She has taken out a loan agreement with ACFIME several times and has always repaid as expected.

In this group: Alima, Minata, Awa, Aminata

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Katharina S.

This loan is special because:

It empowers people in an underserved area to grow their businesses.

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