A loan helped to purchase school supplies.

Alma's story

Alma is from Carles, Iloilo, and has been fishing with her husband for the last 25 years. With the money they have earned, they have been able to support their children and provide them with an education.

Recently, Alma has requested a loan from CEVI to help her children buy school supplies and pay miscellaneous fees. She knows that the loan can help her children get the resources they need in order to continue their studies. This loan would also give them a sense of security since it would provide them with the means to cover the cost of school supplies and other school-related costs. Furthermore, this loan would allow Alma and her family to have a better quality of life, as it would help them open up more opportunities for her children in the future.

This loan is special because:

It allows students of every economic background to continue their education.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details