A loan helped to continue and finish his program in systems information engineering.

Miguel Angel's story

Miguel is studying systems information engineering in the Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas. He lives with his parents and sister.

His parents have a business selling school and office supplies. His sister no longer attends school due to financial reasons.

Miguel decided on this career because he has basic computer knowledge. He really likes the topics of cybersecurity and web design. He spends many hours studying, and goes over the material after each class in order to increase his knowledge.

Once he finishes his degree he would like to work in the area of cybersecurity because it is one of the fields most sought after by different businesses. He would also like to continue growing the family business. One of the greatest obstacles they faced was the pandemic because the business relies on day-to-day sales. Miguel had to withdraw from his university for a while due to financial problems.

He now seeks a Kiva loan to continue with his studies, become a great professional, start his own business and be known at the national level. Miguel feels grateful and fortunate for having this great opportunity.

Thanks to this student loan he will be able to finish his degree. He says the following: Thank you for all the support you're providing not only to me, but to other people who seek loans in order to accomplish their dreams.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Laurie Hiller.

This loan is special because:

It helps low-income students ensure their studies continuity and attain top-notch degrees and jobs in their field.

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