A loan helped a member to buy agricultural inputs so she can get the best out of her garden.

Bendiya Group's story

Soudie is in her garden holding eggplants. She 48 years old, married to a farmer, and she has 5 children. She has been farming for over 10 years.

She practices market gardening in her village. She buys her seeds at the local market and sells her harvest at the same market.

Soudie farms to ensure the well-being of her children and help her husband with the family expenses. The profits from this loan will help to buy clothes, shoes, and to pay school fees.

She applied to this RMCR loan so she can have financial means for her business. She plans on buying agricultural inputs so she can get the best out of her garden. She is alone on the photo because of Covid-19.

In this group: Issa, Madou, Seydou, Soudie, Kasim, Diawoye, Salif

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Sylvie Pelaprat.

This loan is special because:

It empowers farmers and entrepreneurs in underserved areas in Mali.

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