A loan helped to buy ceramics, cement, repemax [a brand of mortar for plastering], a toilet, zinc sheets, and other materials.

Yasmina Del Socorro's story

Yasmina is 55 years old, married, and a mother to three children who have made a life for themselves. Thanks to her job, she has a fixed salary and, alongside it, she is able to increase her income by selling food. Determined to improve the condition of her toilet, she has decided to request a loan from Kiva so she can buy ceramics, cement, repemax [a brand of mortar for plastering], a toilet, zinc sheets, and other materials. She hopes to keep improving her humble home in the future.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Fern Hargan Gordon.

This loan is special because:

It helps communities protect themselves from diseases spread by poor sanitation.

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