A loan helped to pay for the installation of plastic windows.

Shokhida's story

Shokhida is a beautiful, hardworking and kind woman. She is 36 years old, married, and the mother of 3 school age children. She works in a kitchen and also raises livestock and farms. Her spouse works abroad as a delivery man. She has been a regular customer since 2016 and has a positive credit history.

She has applied for financing to install plastic windows. The financing will help her implement her plans and improve her living conditions by making energy efficiency improvements to meet energy savings needs and reduce heating and cooling costs. These windows are highly airtight, preventing the entry of cold or hot outside air and greatly improve the insulation of living spaces. These windows also reduce energy loss through the walls and significantly improve the energy efficiency of the house.

Translated from Russian.

This loan is special because:

It helps families improve their living conditions and reduce energy consumption.

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