A loan helped to buy pipes for potable water and waste water for a space she rents to others.

Carla Vanessa's story

Carla is a single woman and a mother. She is a merchant and has also worked renting units for several years.

In the past she only rented out one space which she was able to fix up thanks to a prior loan these two institutions gave her. Her daughter also supports her in every decision she makes.

Carla now comes to the Kiva lenders with the goal of seeking a Kiva loan to buy pipes for potable water and waste water. In addition to helping her have a proper water system, this will be an important improvement in the units she will fix up in order to rent. In the coming years Carla would like to acquire another property and continue her rental business.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Laurie Hiller.

This loan is special because:

It helps communities protect themselves from diseases spread by poor sanitation.

Loan details

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