A loan helped to buy materials and equipment.

Ezhar's story

Ezhar is a very impressive woman and a mother of four. She has a beautiful store at a place in the centre of the village under the entrepreneur's house. It is equipped with special carpets and home textiles, in addition to business leisure clothes. Ezhar is known for having unique products. It is a store where you can find underwear for the whole family, leisure wear such as transition suits, bedding, bridal products, and carpets.

According to Ezhar, "I don't like to specialize in one product if I have a store in the center of the village which is an ideal place to be content with selling one product", and hence the desire to diversify the products. Today, it is an address for brides who want to buy the products in a concentrated way and at a good price.

This loan is special because:

It's designed to help some of the most marginalized people in Israeli society.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details