A loan helped a small organic produce farm buy a new salad harvester to meet increased demand.

John And Bailey's story

We met traveling in South America & quickly discovered that we share a passion for good food, community, and traveling! Our love for Northern Michigan, and passion for farming has drawn us back to Traverse City where we've been working hard to build a farm together since 2017. Bailey has a B.S. in Business Management and John has a M.S in Environmental Studies and a B.S. in organic Horticulture from Michigan State University. Our diverse backgrounds have helped us build a successful farming career together.

Our motivation to grow our business has been directly related to our passion to be able to provide sustainable year round careers in agriculture. We believe that demystifying the stigma, that the only was to have successful career in farming is to own your own farm, has been one of our biggest missions.

This loan is special because:

It supports a small business owner with 0%-interest, zero-fee capital.

Loan details

About Lakeview Hill Farm

Industry: Agriculture
Years in operation: More than 5 years
Website: lakeviewhillfarm.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details