A loan helped to repair the bathroom in the house to provide sanitary conditions for the whole family.

Constantin's story

Constantin thanks KIVA lenders for the previous loan, which helped him to buy a new gas boiler. As a result, he was able to ensure a warmer house for the whole family.
Constantin continues to be active in the art field. He is a very talented and hardworking man. Constantin and his wife live in their own flat. The apartment was purchased with his own money. He did several renovation works to create better living conditions.
Now, Constantin wants to repair the bathroom. Construction materials are expensive and he does not have the necessary amount. Thus, Constantin decided to apply for a new loan from Kiva sources. Benefiting from the loan, he will be able to achieve the proposed goal. As a result, Constantin will make repairs in the bathroom and sanitary conditions will improve for his family.

This loan is special because:

It helps improve living and sanitation conditions for rural families in Moldova.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details