A loan helped to buy construction materials, hire workers and improve her home conditions.

Zubayda's story

Zubayda is a hardworking, patient and sociable woman. She was born in 1993 in Yavan, Tajikistan. She is divorced and is a caring mother. She is an experienced teacher who earns her additional income from salad selling. She spends her income on family needs. Her house is in need of renovation but she does not have sufficient financial resources for the construction works of her house.

Zubayda is asking for a loan with Kiva’s partner IMON for the second time. This loan will help her buy construction materials, hire workers and improve her home conditions. She hopes for your help and support.

This loan is special because:

It supports the well being of women and their families.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details