A loan helped a member to purchase Bralima and Brasimba beverages which will increase her startup capital.

Agreable Group's story

Mrs. Bavakure is a client of Hekima IMF and presides over the village group, "Agreable". She is single, 48 years old and mother of one child who goes to school.
She sells beverages in a relay stop. She started this business 9 years ago with her own startup funds. She joined the Hekima program later on to support her business which has since been steadily growing.
She will use the new loan to stock up on Bralima and Brasimba beverages which will increase her startup capital. The main challenge she faces is unpaid debts.
She would like to expand her business. Finally, she would like to thank Hekima and their partners for their support of non-bankable business owners in this global, COVID-19 context. The photo only shows the group's leaders because of COVID-19 and social distancing precautions.

In this group: Mariam, Patient, Ngoy, Bavakure, Subeda, Chantal

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Vanessa Peat.

This loan is special because:

It serves entrepreneurs in conflict-affected areas with few opportunities.

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