A loan helped a member to build up her food sales business.

08-Bounkiling Dialocoto Group's story

This group came together in July 2006 to set up this Banc Villageois in order to achieve their ambitions and improve their living conditions. They have retail businesses.

Madam Binta, with her hand raised in the photo, is the group's representative. She is a 56 year old widow with 8 children. She sells lemon juice, palm oil and honey.

With her new loan, Madam Binta plans to buy containers of lemon juice, palm oil and honey to resell.

She will use her profit to buy some livestock and cover her living costs.

In this group: Binta, Fatou

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Emma Nendick.

This loan is special because:

It empowers entrepreneurs living in rural Senegal.

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