A loan helped this loan is to buy the amount of mulberry needed for her tapa-making business.

Kalolaine's story

For more than twenty years, Kalolaine has run her tapa-making business and provided for her family.

Once every week, she joins a group of women and together they performed the making of tapas. A tapa has to be made by a lot of women, for the whole tapa to be complete.

During the process of making tapas, different types and sizes of tapas are made, and regularly sell out. Some of the tapas are made according to the demand of the buyer.

Her business improves the lives of her family, while her business is improved and supported by her loan. With this loan, Kalolaine is able to buy the amount of mulberry she needs.

This loan is special because:

It helps proven female entrepreneurs grow their businesses and create jobs.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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