A loan helped a member to purchase medicinal products, flour, sugar, and oil.

Exito De Mañana Group's story

From Chinandega, Nicaragua, meet the Éxito de Mañana communal association comprised of 10 clientes. They characterize themselves as being very responsible. The businesses which predominate are artisanal fishing, grocery store, selling seafood, selling shoes, selling clothing, selling cosmetics and selling bread.

María del Rosario (wearing a red skirt and white blouse with red stripes, and seated) is 63 years old. She considers herself to be a charismatic and responsible person. She is married, her spouse works, and she has 9 children, all married. Her business is selling medicinal products and selling bread. She has had it for 10 years. What she likes about her business is the earnings.

She will use the loan to purchase medicinal products, and to purchase flour, sugar, and oil to make bread. Her hope and dream for the future is to excel with her businesses. She is grateful to Pro Mujer for the great support which it offers so that women work and get ahead.

Help her to continue growing her business!

In this group: Martha Mariela , Zayda Ayeling , Ana Cecilia , Hezzell Jaqueline , Socorro Del Transito , Maria Del Rosario , Luis Gustavo , Yadira De Los Angeles , Beatriz Elizabeht , Jaqueline Azucena

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women through community support and financial training.

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