A loan helped to buy mulberry and pandanus for her weaving and tapa-making business.

'Elisapeta's story

Elisapeta married a farmer and together they have six children who are still in school. Currently she runs a weaving and tapa-making business, and she is a member of a group of women in their village who gather into the village hall every Saturday and make tapas. Some tapas are made from pure soft tapas, and some are made from soft tapas and tapa-paper. For her weaving, 'Elisapeta weaves alone at home, weaving taovala and fihu, using white pandanus only. She manages her two businesses very well, and her business income is one of the primary sources of income for her family. With this loan, 'Elisapeta is able to supply her business with the amount of pandanus and mulberry needed. She believes that her business will one day build a new house for her family.

This loan is special because:

It helps proven female entrepreneurs grow their businesses and create jobs.

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