A loan helped a member raffia threads, laces, cloths, etc.

Confiance Group's story

Masika M. E. is an entrepreneur, the president of the Confiance group, 42 years old, married and the mother of 8 children. Her spouse is a businessman in a pharmacy dispensary. The client, Masika M. E., is an artist. She weaves women's hats from threads at her home and sells them at the central market of Virunga. It has been about four years that she has run this art business. She benefited from her first loan of $50 from the IMF Hekima in January 2010. This new credit should allow her to restock on clothing materials (raffia threads, laces, cloths, etc.) and to increase her share of the market. Moreover, her ambition is to grow her business. The client Masika M. E. thanks Hekima for its actions in favor of the poor, who are excluded from classic banks. She group Confiance is made up of 35 members.

In this group: Nafisi, Nikuze, Regine, Riziki, Furaha, Marta, Roza, Fatuma, N'simire, Kito, Prosper, Masika, Suzana, Nambeu, Faida, Suyaleta, Kabuo, Julienne, Mwamba, Neema, Nyirandegeye, Sifa, Kavira, Nyabindu, Musoka, Byanda, Chibavunya, Kavira, Bulakali, Chibalonza, Shushu, Mango, Kimpaye, Bategeye, Byaombe

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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