A loan helped to continue studying her desired field at university.

Tamar's story

Tamar is a highly motivated, educated, young woman with a great desire to become a successful lawyer. She wants to navigate the intricate pathways of the legal field.

With a deep sense of justice and a commitment to making a positive impact, Tamar is on a mission to contribute to a more just and equitable society. She wants to continue studying toward a master's degree.

Yet, the pursuit of a law degree often comes with financial challenges. Tamar is seeking a student loan to ensure a smooth educational journey and pave the way for a future as a legal professional.

Your support will empower Tamar to achieve her academic aspirations. She relies on your goodwill and friendliness.

This loan is special because:

It allows low-income students to pursue education and find jobs before repaying.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details