A loan helped to cover her higher education fees.

Dina's story

Dina, a 20-year-old student, is the daughter of two retirees and one of two children in her family.

Dina worked very hard in high school, and the result was a good enough grade point average that got her accepted to Jordan's oldest university, where she will study architecture.

Both she and her loved ones could not contain their pride. When she finally enrolled in college, she discovered that the course of study was extremely time-consuming and resource-intensive, with correspondingly high tuition costs.

Her mother did everything she could to help her out financially, but it wasn't enough, so she applied for a loan from MFW.

There are still three years left, and she needs 1,606 JODs right now to cover tuition for the coming semester. She hopes and prays that she will be successful in school and be able to provide for her family thereafter.

This loan is special because:

It allows students of every economic background to continue their higher education.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details