A loan helped repair vehicle for taxi business.

Ivan Mario's story

Sr. Ivan Mario, 22, is a member of the MUJERES UNIDAS community bank in the Peruvian "departamento" of Cusco.

Sr. Ivan Mario is single. He owns a small vehicle called a combi that he uses to taxi passengers around the city. He works every day, mornings and afternoons, because the business is, for now, his only source of income. He hopes to study for some career or other in the future, but he needs to save some money first to afford it. He is an optimistic person with a strong desire to get ahead in the world.

Sr. Ivan Mario will use the loan to buy accessories for his vehicle and to make repairs to it.

Sr. Ivan Mario is grateful for the loan and committed to repaying it on time.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Jere Wiseman.

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