A loan helped to buy beds, mattresses, cots and blankets to provide better service to customers.

Luz Marina's story

This member belongs to the "MUJERES UNIDAS" (United Women) communal bank which is located in the district, province and department of Cusco.

Mrs. Luz Marina is a 64-year-old widow with three children. She owns a tourist accommodation business and provides service to customers through reservations made by mail. She also works with tour agents who request her services. She has had this job for many years and is very happy to be able to meet people from different cultures.

This member plans to use the loan to buy beds, mattresses, cots and blankets so she can give her customers better service.

She appreciates the loan and is committed to paying it back on time.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Sherry Bess.

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