A loan helped to buy soaps, creams, analgesics, antacids, anti-diarrhetics, anti-inflammatories, etc.

Josselyn Silvana's story

Josselyn is 24 years old and is an enthusiastic and very hardworking girl that is always looking for a way to improve herself. This is how her desire to progress has motivated her to make an effort and start her own business. Thus, she started a small pharmacy and has been running it for the past 18 months. Josselyn has an agreement with her cousin who is a doctor by profession. This helps her acquire customers. She is asking for her first loan with the objective of purchasing basic medicines that are lacking in her pharmacy. With this help she will be able to count on a better stock in order to offer a good service to her customers. Her vision for the future is very challenging because she aspires to open branches that will include medical clinics that can help vulnerable people. She also would like to be able to help her brother so that he can be successful and continue progressing.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Debra McMahon.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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