A loan helped to buy pigs and concentrated feed and flour to fatten and later sell them.

Denia Verónica's story

Denia is 22 years old. She attended school until the fourth grade. She is in a relationship and her partner is a farmer. She has a small child who is in school.

Denia has been raising and selling pigs for five years. She learned how to do it thanks to her mother's teaching. The animals' corral is located in the patio at her house. She also works as a housekeeper.

She needs the loan to buy pigs and the concentrated feed and flour to fatten and later sell them.

Denia dreams of having a bigger farm and making a better income.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Kristin Fisher.

This loan is special because:

It helps rural farmers and fishermen, while teaching sustainable agricultural practices.

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