A loan helped to pay the first academic year's tuition so the borrower can start getting a higher education.

Rati's story

Rati is an 18-year-old young, studious and motivated person who has just enrolled at university, where he studies at the Faculty of Business Administration and Sports Management. He is very excited and enthusiastic about starting this new step in his life.

Unfortunately, his unstable financial situation is not allowing him to start his studies and attend classes, as he lives with his parents and two sisters, who are also students. He decided to solve this problem independently and requested a student loan, which would help him cover tuition fees and learn his desired field. All this will allow him to become a successful, competitive person.

After graduating, he wants to improve his knowledge and find a job where he will be able to show his skills and abilities and gain experience. To do so, he is looking forward to being supported by Kiva, and Rati relies on your good will.

This loan is special because:

It allows low-income students to pursue education and find jobs before repaying.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details