A loan helped a member to purchase tarpaulin, a hand rolling planter, and certified seeds.

Vida Agro Group's story

Vida, wearing green dress and a brown scarf in the picture, is a hard-working group leader who hails from Soriguon, a farming community in the Lawra District. Farming has been the sole business in the community and they are mainly into groundnut farming. Their major challenge is lack of mechanical equipment.

The group comprising of four (4) members needs funds to purchase modern technological tools such as a hand rolling planter and a groundnut sheller. Their need for this hand rolling planter will enable improved accuracy and uniformity of seed placement and reduce seed damage during the planting process. The groundnut sheller will help them increase groundnut processing capacity.

The members of this group are Vida, Leticia, Bawa, and Lucia.

In this group: Vida, Bawa-Wieremuo, Leticia, Lucia

This loan is special because:

This loan theme seeks to support rural smallholder farmers in purchasing farm inputs.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details