A loan helped to cover the last semester at university toward a master's degree.

Marekhi's story

Marekhi is a highly educated, motivated young woman, who is studying toward a master's degree at the Faculty of Social Healthcare and this is her last academic semester. With her high grades and sense of responsibility, she is one of the favorite students in the program.

Along with her lectures and studies, Marekhi works as a customer support administrator at one of the companies in Tbilisi and tries her best to be a fully independent person, in order to be able to help her family financially.

But her monthly income is not high enough to cover the university expenses, so she requested a student loan. She hopes that soon she will be an incredibly successful person, with the great help of Kiva lenders. Marekhi deserves to get help to be able to graduate.

This loan is special because:

It allows low-income students to pursue education and find jobs before repaying.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details