A loan helped to purchase goods and expand her business.

Tumurchudur's story

The woman in this picture is Tumurchudur. She is a 50-year-old single mother living with a 15-year-old son.

Tumurchudur is a very hard-working and friendly woman. She has been selling used clothes continuously for 18 years. She runs this business alone and is supported by her son. She started doing this business to improve her family's livelihood. She loves everything she does.

Tumurchudur's main customers are people with poor living conditions, so she tries to sell quality and cheap goods to her customers. At least 10 to 30 people visit her shop a day. Her business has helped her raise her children on her own, and her life is getting better. There are no major problems facing her business at the moment.

Tumurchudur desires to work continuously and focus on raising her son to become an educated person. She will use this current loan to purchase goods and expand her business.

This loan is special because:

This loan will support the creation of new businesses and self-employment in poor communities.

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