A loan helped a member to buy balanced feed for the animals.

Maria Auxiliadora Group's story

Maria Auxiliadora is the name of this group, made up of female heads of family who work hard to get ahead and to offer better living conditions to their families. They are also within the poverty elimination program, working together to improve themselves.

One of them is Liz Mariela, who works in the production and sale of cheeses of her own production, where her animals provide the ingredients. She mentions that, through her work, she helps to support her home.

She is a hard-working person who, despite her difficulties, does not let herself be defeated and works hard to get ahead, continue with her work and give the best to her people.

She requests this loan to buy feed for her animals in order to continue with her production, and in this way to continue with her work as she has been doing.

Note: The children in the picture are children of the members of the group who signed this loan.

In this group: Noemi Esther, Lilian Gricelda, Claudia, Nilda Elizabet, Yohana Elizabeth, Limpia Concepcion, Gloria, Maria Estela, Elena Elizabeth, Alba Marina, Lorena Belen, Fulvia Elena, Liz Andrea, Liz Mariela, Esther Leonor, Maria Lujan, Clara Leticia, Rosa Magali, Rosanna Raquel, Ana Sofia, Deyma Diana, Sonia Pablina, Perla Cristina, Mirta Beatriz, Sanie Mayrlen, Mercedes Ramona, Diana Soledad

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer E. Power.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by an industry leading poverty-elimination program.

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