A loan helped to increase her stock by introducing new grocery products needed by many clients.

Chhou's story

Chhou is an entrepreneur living in Cambodia. For five years she has steadily grown her business, which provides much-needed support to her family.

She is an honest borrower, and she has repaid all the loans she has had with Kiva, which has helped her grow and expand her business. This has boosted her level of income earned.

Chhou is very grateful for working with Kiva, which has changed everything in her life. With her previous loan, she was able to restock goods for the growth of her business. She was able to successfully repay that loan and now would like another loan to increase her stock by introducing new grocery products needed by many clients.

This loan is special because:

It provides entrepreneurs with resources to increase income and improve their living conditions

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details