A loan helped a member to buy wines, beers, carbonated drink, among other beverages.

Mujeres Unidas Group's story

This is a committee made up of entrepreneurial and thriving women who do not let themselves be defeated and who seek ways to move forward to offer their loved ones better living conditions. They are also part of the Poverty Eradication Programme.
One of them is Maria del Carmen, who makes a living from the sale of various beverages from her home. She comments that she has a modest business. She works every day offering her customers all kinds of beverages.
She is a very active lady, who with great effort, seeks a way to be able to overcome obstacles and move forward in life for her family. She wants to give her family everything that she could not have, so they do not go through needs or deprivations.
She is applying for this loan to buy varied drinks and increase the variety of drinks to offer to the customers; such as wines, beers, carbonated drinks, among other beverages.
Note: the children in the photo are the children of the members of the group who will be signing this loan.

In this group: Hilda Soledad, Lorena Emilse, Fatima Raquel, Nilsa Catalina, Norma Noemi, Karina Soledad, Maria Del Carmen, Marta Lucila, Juana Francisca, Aida, Juana Elizabet, Rosana, Primitiva, Liliana Soledad, Fabiola Evelin, Luz Marina, Sady Mabel, Elizabeth, Mirna Elizabeth, Faviola Noemi, Juliana, Ana Carolina, Fatima Beatriz, Silvia Adriana, Norma Beatriz, Maria Ester

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Janice Campbell.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by an industry leading poverty-elimination program.

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