A loan helped to buy six more cows to increase the farm capacities and improve the standard of life for her family.

Elena's story

Elena is a 29-year-old woman. She is married and has a happy family who loves rural life. They have three children and live in Pripiceni-Razesi village, Rezina district.

Elena and her husband own a farm of 15 milk cows and two young heifers which were purchased from credit resources. Elena has already more than six years of experience in the field. Their family owns a car, a tractor with two trailers and machinery for tillage. About 80% of the collected milk is sold to the cheese factory in Soroca. From the rest of the milk, she produces sour cream and cheese, which is sold at the market in Orhei.

In order to expand her activity and increase the income for her family, Elena decided to purchase six more cows. Not having enough money, she decided to apply for a loan from Kiva. It will be a great help toward expanding the farm capacity and increasing the standard of living of the whole family.

This loan is special because:

It enables those living in rural areas to grow their businesses at a lower interest rate.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details