A loan helped to cover tuition fees, so that she can start studying medicine.

Bela's story

Bela always wanted to become a doctor. She has just entered university, where she studies at the faculty of medicine. Now, when she is that close to her goals, she needs your support.

Sadly, her financial situation is not that stable and enough to have a chance to cover her education-related costs. Bela lives with her mother, who is engaged in agriculture. Therefore, a single mother with a low monthly income can not finance her daughter's tuition. Bela decided to request a student loan, which gives her an opportunity to develop, encourage herself, and more importantly, start her classes.

Bela promises that she will work hard to achieve her dream to become a successful doctor.

This loan is special because:

It allows low-income students to pursue education and find jobs before repaying.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details