A loan helped to buy a freezer to store containers of pickled pinchagua fish for distribution.

Yelitza Geraldine's story

Yelitza Geraldine, 28, is in a relationship and has two children, ages two and six years old. Her husband is a fisherman and they live in Manta, a city known for its beautiful beaches and fishing, maritime and tourist port which is one of the most important ones in Ecuador, handling trade and export.

She is a woman who works hard every day to give her children the best and cover their needs. She is in charge of cleaning the fish and selling it pickled in containers to make delicious ceviches. She delivers to customers on an order basis and the product is very popular because of its good quality.

Therefore she hopes to continue receiving the help of a loan to be able to increase business and earn more profit to improve her quality of life.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Sherry Bess.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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