A loan helped a member to buy supplies for her food business.

Las Uvas Group's story

The “Las Uvas” group is made up of hardworking women who combine the care of their businesses with tending to their families. Running a business allows them to have independence and financial stability to be able to help their husbands with the household expenses.

Deysi (in a pastel striped blouse) is 32 years old. She has been selling food for 8 years. She makes and sells her food to order and is open from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. She has her husband's help delivering to other neighborhoods. Through the business, they have been able to support their children so that they can have good professions.

The other group members are Candelaria, Diana, Flor, Leticia, and Maria. All of them have stayed firm to keep going forward.

Deysi's sales have improved this year, and she wants to stay stable until she can consolidate her business.

In this group: Candelaria, Leticia, Flor Maria, Deysi Del Carmen, Diana Cristhel, Maria Del Carmen

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ellen Donohue.

This loan is special because:

It supports low income micro entrepreneurs to develop their business and support their families.

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