A loan helped to replenish the stock of goods to continue business.

Parascovia's story

Parascovia is a 66-year-old woman from Ungheni, Moldova. She is a widow and lives with her daughter and grandchildren, who make her life happier. She has been working at the market for many years. Parascovia owns two boutiques where she sells clothes and many other goods. She is a hardworking woman. For years, she has worked hard to give her family a decent living.

Now, Parascovia wants to replenish her stock of goods. In order to keep loyal buyers and attract new ones, she has to have the goods she needs. The income she earns is her only source of income, and so she doesn't want to lose everything.

The investment she is about to make is expensive and Parascovia does not have the necessary amount of money. So, she decided to apply for a loan from Kiva sources. As a result, Parascovia will be able to procure the necessary goods. The family income will continue to be stable for a better life.

This loan is special because:

It enables those living in rural areas to grow their businesses at a lower interest rate.

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