A loan helped to buy tools and to upgrade his truck.

Robert's story

Robert R. started his remodeling business, "R. Home Repair", in order to help people improve their homes. His business includes doing basic plumbing and electricity, building additions, and making major changes to rooms. Robert strives to be known for the high quality of his craftsmanship. He had worked for other people in the construction business before he started his own company about six years ago. He prides himself on delivering excellent results to his clients.

Robert is proud that his business has not only survived, but grown. He has been hired by a few big homeowners to do remodeling in Corpus Christi, which has helped him build a positive work reputation. Robert has come up with a creative way of showing off his services – he gives his customers a DVD so they are able to see his previous projects. He says, “I show them the before, the middle, and the after,” which makes him stand out from other contractors.

Robert first found out about ACCION Texas-Louisiana from a banker. He is using his loan to buy tools and to upgrade his truck. He describes himself as very detail-oriented. Robert is willing to tell clients how to do the remodeling themselves. He finds that they appreciate his forthrightness, and usually end up preferring to have a professional with experience do the remodeling.

Robert’s advice for other entrepreneurs is to just keep striving. He says that there are people who will try to pull you down, so you have to push every day for what you believe in.

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