A loan helped to purchase corn and a new stove to improve and expand her tortilla production, which will allow her to keep her business going.

Jenifer Johana's story

Jenifer is 22 years old. She is currently single and lives with her parents who work in farming and construction.

Jenifer works in farming. In particular, she raises small animals. She learned from her parents when she was very young. She also has a small tortilla shop.

Jenifer will use her loan to purchase corn and a new stove to improve and expand her tortilla production. This will allow her to keep her business going.

Jenifer dreams of continuing to work every day raising small animals and making tortillas. She also wants to support her parents and provide them with better living conditions.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Nicole Efros.

This loan is special because:

It provides business training to young, unemployed individuals hoping to start a business.

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