A loan helped to buy two medium-sized pigs and feed to add to their diet.

Radosoa's story

Radosoa is a married man. He is 30 years old and the father of two children. He lives in a village on the outskirts of the city in his own house. He has been farming pigs for four years. In addition, he also sells poultry. His wife is a seamstress. He wants to reinforce his pigsty, but his resources are insufficient. He has decided to take out a loan to buy two medium-sized pigs and some feed to add to their diet. He will sell his pigs at the town market and then buy more. He will save his profits to finish the house later. He hopes very much for the support of lenders on this project.

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Carol Shea.

This loan is special because:

It helps the poorest of the poor in Madagascar to improve their lives.

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